ADA Compliance

We’ve taken the following steps to meet the Level A standard of ADA Compliance on our website:

Image/Audio/Video Alternatives

  • Alt text (1.1.1): All images & non-text content needs alt text (with exceptions)
  • Video & Audio alternatives (1.2.1): All video-only & audio-only content has a transcript.
  • Closed captioning (1.2.2): All video with sound contains closed captioning.

Accessible Presentation

  • Website structure (1.3.1): Use correct markup techniques to structure your site’s content (use correct heading tags & HTML for ordered & unordered lists)
  • Meaningful order (1.3.2): Present content in a meaningful order & sequence so that it reads properly.
  • Use of color (1.4.1): Don’t rely on color alone to convey information.
  • Audio control (1.4.2): Any audio must be able to be paused, stopped or muted.
  • Color contrast (1.4.3): There must be a color contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 between all text & background.
  • Text resize (1.4.4): Text must be able to be resized up to 200% without negatively affecting the ability to read content.
  • Images of text (1.4.5): Don’t use images of text unless necessary (e.g. logo).

User Controls

  • Keyboard only (2.1.1): All content and functions on a website must be accessible by keyboard only (i.e. no mouse).
  • No keyboard trap (2.1.2): Keyboard-only users must never get stuck on any part of the website; they must be able to navigate forwards and backwards.
  • Pause, stop, hide (2.2.2): If there is content that blinks, scrolls, moves, users must have the ability to pause, stop, or hide it.
  • Three flashes or below (2.3.1): Web pages do not contain anything that flashes more than three times in any one second period.

Make It Understandable

  • Page titles (2.4.2): Each page of a website needs to have a unique & descriptive page title.
  • Focus order (2.4.3): Users must be able to navigate through a website in a logical sequential order.
  • Link anchor text (2.4.4): The purpose of each link should be clear based on its anchor text (don’t use “click here”)
  • Multiple ways (2.4.5): There are multiple ways to access different pages/information on a website (e.g. search bar, nav menus, sitemap, breadcrumbs, helpful links after content).
  • Descriptive headings & labels (2.4.6): Headings & programmatic labels must be clear and descriptive. They do not need to be lengthy.
  • Focus indicator (2.4.7): Any “user interface control” that receives focus from a keyboard user should indicate that focus on the current selected element (e.g. add a visible border around a text link).

Make It Predictable

  • No focus change (3.2.1): Nothing changes merely because an item receives focus. A user must actively choose to activate an item (hit enter to submit) before a change takes place.
  • No input change (3.2.2): Nothing changes just because information is inputted into a field (form doesn’t auto submit once all fields are filled out).
  • Consistent navigation (3.2.3): Keep navigation layout consistent throughout all pages of the website (same links in the same order).
  • Error identification (3.3.1): Make any form errors easy to identify, understand & correct.
  • Form labels & instructions (3.3.2): Programmatically label all form or input fields so that a user knows what input and what format is expected.
  • Parsing (4.1.1): Make sure HTML code is clean and free of errors, particularly missing bracket closes. Also, make sure all HTML elements are properly nested.
  • Name, role, value (4.1.2): For all user interface components (including forms, links, components generated by scripts), the name, role, and value should all be able to be programmatically determined; make sure components are compatible with assistive technology.
  • Ensured there are no empty anchor tags (all links that had just an icon have had text added to them)
  • All pages have proper heading level structure (H1, H2, etc.)
  • Make sure there is no justified text